I made it full circle from whence I cum, in the Bae area. Found my people and my peace, as much as that’s a thing in a post-covid, borderline feudalist society that only gives rights to the wealthy and treats everyone else like either cogs or criminals. My heart is opening though, and that matters- even if nothing else does. Who knew it would take a pandemic to finally push me over into complete atheist nihilism? Here I am in this empty room, but space is still vast, my friends are still funny- and the rave is ON. I may fall, I may fail. I may do both in quick succession like the beats in Berghain at 4am, but at least i’m dancing. And there are those who have been taking a chance with me, and I appreciate that. In the meantime, I’ll maintain a trajectory of growth. The latest development in this creative story is I bought an ipad and have been learning design programs and taking on more design projects. Typography is my next push- it makes sense to incorporate that into my works. For one who talks so much, you’d think i’d have more to say.