First blog post in the New World. For being a Millenial raised in the age of information, i still am awkward while manipulating the ai to do my algorithmic bidding. I would make a ridiculous overlord or mastermind. I’d rather just move into a hobbit hole in a glen with a studio attachment, equipped with ample table space and an industrial sink. Every night I make dinner with my friends and we revel in togetherness before dropping off & descending into cozy slumber. For now, I’ll just have to hop around, create art and hope for the best.
If 2020 has done anything, it’s been to completely restructure my life. I started out the year in love with a sweet man & starting my life over in Los Angeles - after 13 years in the Bay. I was optimistic and open to whatever the future may bring, tho obviously holding out for evolution. I want my money back from that wishing well.
In this 4th quarter of 2020, I’m now letting go of all structures and rules. My nihilism has become weaponized and the FUCKS GIVEN have dwindled to unprecedented lows. And I feel FANTASTIC, so that should tell me something. I’m tie-dying with my best friends in the bay after swimming and dancing with friends in the forest, and making clay wall hangings at another friend’s studio. I slept in an Oceanside Mendocino magical mansion, once a brothel and meeting place, now a community sanctuary. I danced under a bridge to a sound system on wheels. This is who I am and this how I thrive. I talk to people and build ideas. I cannot exist in a vacuum, nor can I live in fear. It does not serve. Perhaps this is what we need, after all.
Beam me up
UFO ice dye